WhatsApp Chat Backup Limits on Google Drive Users Now Have Only Limited Backups on Google Drive

Introduction to WhatsApp Chat Backups

WhatsApp, a globally popular messaging app, has always provided a convenient way to back up chat histories. This feature ensures users don’t lose important conversations, media, and stickers, even when they switch phones or accidentally delete the app. Since its inception, WhatsApp has allowed users to back up their data to cloud storage services like Google Drive for Android users and iCloud for iOS users.

Changes in Google Drive’s Policy for WhatsApp Backups

Historical Context:

Prior to the policy change, WhatsApp backups did not count towards Google Drive storage quotas. This arrangement was particularly beneficial for users with extensive chat histories, including thousands of multimedia messages, as it provided seemingly unlimited backup capacity​.

Policy Shift:

Starting December 2023, WhatsApp backups for Android will begin to count towards Google Drive’s storage limits. This policy shift was confirmed to initially affect WhatsApp Beta users and is expected to extend to all Android users in the first half of 2024, ​​.

Storage Quotas and Management:

Personal Google accounts typically offer 15GB of free cloud storage, shared across various services like Gmail, Drive, and Photos. With this new policy, users will need to be more mindful of their storage consumption. They might need to manage their storage more effectively, delete unnecessary files, or consider upgrading to a paid Google One plan for additional storage space​.

Potential Future Changes:

There are unconfirmed reports that Google may introduce a specific free storage limit for WhatsApp backups, possibly around 2GB, which won’t affect overall Drive limits. Users will be notified when they approach their storage limits, although details about the exact limit and notification mechanisms are still pending confirmation from Google or WhatsApp.

Table: WhatsApp Backup Policy Changes

Aspect Previous Policy New Policy (Post-December 2023)
Count Towards Google Drive Quota No Yes
Free Storage Limit Unlimited for WhatsApp Backups Counts towards 15GB free limit
Affected Platforms Android Android (including Beta Users)
Notification Mechanism Not applicable Users to be informed via app settings
Backup Management Unlimited backups Requires managing within Google Drive limit
Potential Specific Backup Limit Not applicable Rumoured 2GB (unconfirmed)


The introduction of these limits represents a significant shift in how users manage their WhatsApp backups. While this change aligns WhatsApp’s backup policy on Android with that of other platforms, like iOS, it also necessitates a more proactive approach to managing cloud storage for many users. The transition period will be crucial for users to adapt to these changes and explore alternative backup solutions if needed.

Here’s a detailed explanation of “Part 3: Managing WhatsApp Backups,” including a step-by-step guide to backing up WhatsApp chats to a Google Account, requirements for successful backup, the process for setting up recurring backups, manual backup, factors affecting backup quality and safety, and WhatsApp’s policy on backup overwriting and data deletion:

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What WhatsApp Backup Includes:

  • Contents: Chat messages, photos, videos, voice messages, documents, and WhatsApp contacts.
  • Storage: Utilizes Google Drive for Android and iCloud for iOS.
  • Incremental Backups: Only new messages and files since the last backup are saved​​.
Step-by-Step Guide to Backing Up WhatsApp Chats to Google Account (For Android):
  • Step 1: Link your Google Account in your device’s settings.
  • Step 2: Open WhatsApp and access Settings.
  • Step 3: Select ‘Chats’.
  • Step 4: Choose ‘Chat backup’.
  • Step 5: Set up automatic backup frequency (daily, weekly, monthly).
  • Step 6: Select your Google account for backup and decide whether to include videos​.
WhatsApp’s Backup Policy:
  • Storage Limit: If you exceed the Google Account storage limit, backups will halt until space is freed.
  • Backup Tied: To phone number and Google Account used.
  • Data Deletion: Backups not updated in 5 months may be automatically deleted.
  • Overwriting: Each new backup overwrites the previous one; older backups cannot be restored.
  • Encryption: Chats in Google Account aren’t end-to-end encrypted unless encrypted backup is enabled​​.

Factors Affecting Backup Quality and Safety:

  • Storage Space: Insufficient storage can cause backup failure.
  • Internet Connection: Slow or unstable connections can interrupt backup.
  • WhatsApp Version: Outdated versions can lead to backup issues.
  • Corrupted Files: Backup files can get corrupted, leading to failure​​.

This information provides a comprehensive understanding of managing WhatsApp backups, emphasizing the importance of regular backups and the requirements for ensuring their success and safety.

WhatsApp Chat Backups on Google Drive

WhatsApp and Google Drive Collaboration History:

2018 Agreement: WhatsApp negotiated a deal with Google in 2018, granting users unlimited backup storage on Google Drive. This allowed users to backup their WhatsApp data without affecting their Google Drive storage quota​​.

Current Policy:

No Storage Count: Currently, WhatsApp backups do not count against your Google Drive storage limit​​.

Expected Changes:
  • Storage Limits Implementation: Reports suggest that Google may introduce a storage limit for WhatsApp backups on Google Drive.
  • 2000GB Free Storage Limit Speculation: There’s speculation about an upper limit of 2000GB of free storage for WhatsApp backups on Google Drive, after which it would start counting against the available storage​​.
  • No Official Confirmation Yet: As of now, neither Google nor WhatsApp has officially confirmed these changes​​.
Impact on Users:
  • 15GB Free Storage on Google Drive: Users with the standard 15GB free storage on Google Drive might face challenges if a storage limit for WhatsApp backups is implemented.
  • Data Management Issues for Businesses: Businesses using WhatsApp for communication might find it difficult to manage backups, especially for extensive correspondence.
Whatsapp Chat Backup Limits on Google Drive
Whatsapp Chat Backup Limits on Google Drive

upcoming changes to WhatsApp chat backups

WhatsApp’s backup policy for Android users is changing. Previously, backups didn’t count towards Google Drive storage limits. This will change for WhatsApp beta users in December and all Android users in the first half of 2024. The backups will now contribute to Google Drive usage, impacting both free and paid storage plans​.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

The policy change may lead users to exceed their Google Drive storage limits. WhatsApp introduces WhatsApp Chat Transfer as an alternative backup option, allowing wireless data transfer between Android devices. Users are advised to manage their data and delete items within the app to optimize Google Drive space​.

Future Trends in Cloud Storage and Backup Strategies

This change aligns Android’s WhatsApp backup policy with iOS, indicating a convergence in backup strategies across platforms. Google may encourage users to upgrade to Google One for additional storage. The trend suggests that users will need to adapt to changing cloud storage policies and explore alternative backup solutions like direct transfers or premium storage subscriptions​.


1. What happens when the Google Drive storage limit is reached?

When the Google Drive storage limit is reached, your WhatsApp chat backups will count towards your Google Account storage limit. If you exceed this limit, you'll need to free up space in your Google Account to resume backups. This change is set to roll out gradually to WhatsApp Android users from December 2023 through the first half of 2024.

2. Can you access multiple versions of WhatsApp backups?

WhatsApp backups in Google Drive overwrite the previous one, so storing multiple versions isn't possible. To keep multiple backups, you could add another Google account to WhatsApp and switch between them. Note that Google deletes backups from Drive after five months if not backed up regularly. Local backups are also created daily on your phone or SD card.

3. How to protect your backups with end-to-end encryption?

End-to-end encrypted backup allows you to add the same protection to your WhatsApp database on iCloud or Google Drive. This encryption is secured by a password or a 64-digit encryption key, which you can change if you know the previous password or key. You can also use your password, biometrics, or device PIN to turn off end-to-end encrypted backup.

4. What are the alternatives if you don't want to use Google Drive for backups?

Alternatives to Google Drive for WhatsApp backups include:
1) Backing up to PC via a free tool,
2) Emailing chats,
3) Using WhatsApp Web to download data to PC, and
4) Backing up to local storage on your phone. Each method has its limitations, like the inability to back up all types of data or the need for repeated operations for multiple backups.

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