Neha Sharma attributes her flawless skin partly to her workout routine, which includes a combination of power yoga and gym exercises.

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She enjoys dancing and incorporates it into her fitness routine.

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Neha received classical dance training in her younger years, which contributes to her overall fitness and skin health.

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A balanced diet is a key part of her regimen for maintaining healthy skin.

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She practices intermittent fasting, often fasting for 16 to 18 hours daily and drinking black coffee during this period.

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Her skincare routine involves a simple yet effective method of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing.

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Neha Sharma's skin is very sensitive, leading her to carefully choose her skincare product

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She uses a vitamin C-based moisturizer that is lightweight.

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For toning her face, Sharma uses a massage roller, which helps in relaxing the skin and reducing puffiness.

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skincare routine, she emphasizes the importance of drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, and removing makeup before sleeping.

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